GO ITHACA Easy Access Income Eligible Program

Getting around Tompkins County without a personal vehicle requires planning, options, and resources to fill gaps that occur in rural transportation systems. GO ITHACA’s Easy Access (EA) program provides additional commuter benefit options for GO ITHACA members with a gross income at or below 150% of the US Federal Poverty Guideline. Check your eligibility below and contact us to enroll in the EA program if you are currently a regular GO ITHACA member. Tompkins County residents and people commuting to and from Tompkins County can join GO ITHACA through the link on the home page.

Reach out to our team at support@goithaca.org if you need support with enrollment.

Easy Access is for people whose gross household income is at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level.

For 2024, this is about $1,882.5/month for 1 person, $2,555 for 2 people, $3,227.5 for 3 people, or $3,900 for 4 people.


Want to enroll in our Easy Access Program?

New members can enroll in our Easy Access Program by clicking the link below!

Existing GO ITHACA members can email support@goithaca.org to enroll.

Here are some examples of how GO Easy Access closes gaps in your non-car or carlight transportation plan:

  • Connects you with Ithaca Carshare’s Easy Access plan for discounted membership that includes free monthly driving credit.

  • Offers a FREE yearly Ithaca Bikeshare membership.

  • Provides funds and guidance for purchasing active transportation gear. If an item that promotes safe and functional commuting is above your budget, we can consult about what to buy, and supplement the cost.

  • Adds more Back-up Ride Home rides to your annual limit.

  • Offers deeper discounts on TCAT passes.

  • Links you to a bike, walk, or bus buddy who can help orient you to a new commute route or routine.

  • Offsets the cost of car repair for carpooling vehicles and/or added Carshare credit to support carpooling while your car is in the shop for a repair.

  • Offsets the cost of technology improvements to reduce your need for driving trips. Examples include access to Wi-Fi, smartphone, or hotspot technology for Tele-Health appointments, video meetings, or remote work.

The GO ITHACA Easy Access Program is made possible through funding from the Ithaca Urban Renewal Association (IURA), NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, and NYS Energy and Research Development Authority.

Ithaca Carshare benefits are for Tompkins County residents only.